
Our membership illustrates the breadth and variety of professions and roles where KO is a key element. It includes:

  • information scientists
  • digital asset managers
  • librarians
  • records managers
  • information architects
  • semantic web developers
  • taxonomists
  • media workflow managers
  • IT specialists

How do I sign up?

It has been almost a year since the ISKO Low Countries Chapter was established. Last year through the dedication and passion shown by our small but mighty ISKO community we started out with a bang by successfully hosting the ISKO-LC 2019 Conference at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

After a startup period and some delay caused by the exceptional circumstances as a result of COVID-19, we now are ready to accept membership fees.

ISKO-LC fees include membership in ISKO International, as well as access to the online Knowledge Organization (KO) journal* and repository. Fees are paid per calendar year and are based on rates set by ISKO International:

Regular                            € 60

Retired                             € 25

Student                            € 15

Corporate**                     € 120

As a fledgling organization we do not yet have an automated system for processing payments. In order to confirm your membership of ISKO-LC in 2020 we therefore ask you to please send a bank transfer using the details provided below. In order to facilitate the administration of your payment please add your surname and membership level to the payment description in the following way: SurnameMembershiplevel2020 e.g. CoenRegular2020. 

*Obtaining the print version of the KO journal is optional and costs an additional € 30. To avail of this option please calculate the additional cost together with your membership fee and add opt to the end of your payment description e.g. CoenRegular2020opt. 

**The contact person at institutions with ‘Corporate’ membership will receive an invoice for payment of fees directly. 

Once your payment has been successfully processed you will be issued with a receipt as confirmation. 


ISKO Low Countries Chapter Bank Details: 

Bank Name: ING

Bank Address: ING VUB Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel

Bank Account Name: ISKO-LC

IBAN: BE15 3631 9065 2530


A membership of ISKO-LC will also grant you access to the Knowledge Organisation journal and many discounts for ISKO activities.